Did you know that 70% of internet users read blogs?  

So you would think most bloggers would spend a good bit of their time creating content.  But in reality, there is so much information out there about HOW to build an online business that people get distracted, overwhelmed, and pulled in a million different directions to the point where they make very little progress on actually building a BLOG. 

I see it all the time...

Blog clients will come to me with 20 published posts in 2 years and wonder why they aren’t making money yet.

Or they get distracted with building email lists, Facebook ads, sponsorships and all sorts of other strategies that their blog just isn’t ready for yet because they don’t have the content or traffic to support that effort.

Then there are people who have been writing for awhile but can’t figure out why they aren’t growing when in fact they don’t know much about SEO other than getting a green light on their YOAST plugin (which isn’t going to cut it).

Content creation is the core to building a BLOG based business but it’s a process that requires:

  • Knowledge & education for how to do it well. 

  • Understanding the value of SEO and how to do it practically.

  • Practice (to get better and more efficient)

  • Purpose

  • Marketing (to get eyeballs on the page).

This class is meant to supercharge that process and at the end of 12 Weeks help you start seeing growth, progress, speed and confidence with your blog content creation.

When you finish this class you’ll:

  • Have 25 posts that Google and search engines can find. 

  • Be faster at writing and publishing. 

  • Have a process for publication nailed down.

  • Be more confident and strategic with SEO. 

  • Understand how to create content with a business strategy every time.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Instructions for this course

    • Important Information For How This Thing Works!

    • Content Blitz Syllabus

  • 2

    Weekly Assignments

    • Week 1 Assignments

    • Week 2 Assignments

    • Week 3 Assignments

    • Week 4 Assignment

    • Week 5 Assignment

    • Week 6 Assignment

    • Week 7 Assignment

    • Week 8 Assignment

    • Week 9 Assignment

    • Week 10 Assignment

    • Week 11 Assignment

    • Week 12 Assignment

  • 3

    Unit 1: Content Creation Foundations

    • Why Content Creation Matters For Blogging Success

    • Content Blitz vs Editorial Calendars

    • Diversifying Your Content to Avoid Burnout

    • Guide to Round Up or List Based Content

    • Guide to Tutorial Post Creation

    • Guide to Writing Authoritative Long Form Posts

    • Guide to Writing Review Based Content

    • Guide to Writing Recipe Posts

    • Guide to Writing Gift Guide Content

    • Adding Visual Diversity and Skim-ability to Content

    • Speeding Up Blog Post Image Creation

    • Practicing Writing Great Titles

  • 4

    Unit 2- Search Engine Optimization For Long-Term Results

    • What is SEO?

    • E.A.T for SEO

    • How to Add an Authoritative Author Box

    • How to Pick Out Keywords for Content

    • Weaving Alternate & Related Keywords into Your Content

    • SEO + Pinterest- The One/Two Punch Strategy

    • SEO Plugins Used in Blitz

    • How to Use YOAST the RIGHT WAY

    • Minimum Viable SEO in Every Article

    • A Quick Lesson in External and Internal Linking

  • 5

    Unit 3- Confidence is Key!

    • When and Where to Write

    • What's your Blog Umbrella?

    • Being Confident with Your Writing Perspective

    • How to Be Confident About Your Blogging Audience

  • 6

    Unit 4- Let's Get Ready to Blitz!

    • Making Your Content Blitz Plan Step 1

    • Content Blitz Keywording Step 2

    • Content Blitz Strategic Keywording Step 3

    • Content Blitz Outlining & Optimizing

    • Social Media Blitz Training

    • Quick Guide to Your Post Creation Sidebar

    • How Many Images Do I Need?

    • Tips for Editing & Hitting Publish

    • Sharing the right ADDRESS!!

    • Creating Pins for Your Posts

    • Google's No-Follow Updates for 2020- Lesson

    • What happens after the 12 Week Blitz?

  • 7

    Unit 5- Sharing Your Post After Publication

    • How to Share to Pinterest

    • Being Consistent at Pinning

    • Facebook Social Sharing

  • 8

    EXTRA CREDIT- How To Track Your Blitz Results

    • Why Tracking Your Website Analytics is Important - LISTEN & LEARN (12 Minutes)

    • 3 Main Google Tools to Help You Better Understand Your Traffic

    • Installing Google Analytics

    • Navigating Google Analytics

    • Guide to Using Google Search Console - Video (17 min)

The decision that you make in the next 10 seconds could be the difference between 12 weeks of growth or 12 weeks of working on random tasks that keep you stuck!